Courses Taught
University of Montana
2023, Fall Environment & Development (advanced undergraduate)
2023, Fall Political Ecology (grad seminar)
University of Copenhagen
2022, Spring and 2023, Spring. Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development. (graduate lecture) (co-taught with Mattias Borg Rasmussen and Rebecca Leigh Rutt)
Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asian Studies consortium
2021, Fall. Scholar-Activism and the Myanmar Spring Revolution. (graduate seminar) (co-taught with Tharaphi Than) (syllabus)
American Association of Geographers
2021, Spring. Researching (with) Social Media. (graduate workshop selected, developed & taught as part of AAG’s Geography Methods during a Pandemic series)
Cornell University
2020, Spring. #Development: Environment, Tech and Global Change. (developed & taught as first-year writing seminar. in-person and virtual)
2019, Summer. #Development: Environment, Tech and Global Change. (developed & taught as undergraduate elective)
2019, January. Writing Argument. Rainfall Gender Study Organization. Myanmar. (developed & taught as one-week intensive course for researcher-activists)